Alarm servicing • Prewiring • Fitting off • Monitoring

Having issues with your alarm system in the Papamoa Mount Maunganui or Tauranga areas ?
If yes your battery may need replacing. If you have an existing security system that requires maintenance give us a call. The main cause of faults is failure of the backup battery. These batteries need to be replaced every 3-5 years. If left connected once they have expired they can overload the charging circuitry in the alarm causing further damage. We specialise in servicing Arrowhead and Micron security alarm systems and can also help you with your Bosch, DSC, and Paradox security alarm system or put you in touch with the appropriate people. Andrew can also change your battery on most other models.
The best time to run wiring for a security system or camera system is during the building process. Most homes can be wired for under $500. A prewire should be considered even if the alarm is not to be fitted immediately once the building is complete.
Existing buildings can be wired through ceiling space cavities. This method can be difficult and will require more time.

A fit off can be carried out once a building is painted and has power. For existing buildings a security alarm system or camera system can be wired and fitted within a day.
Monitored alarms will immediately notify a monitoring company, notify your alarm app, or send a text and a call to your phone if an activation occurs. Monitoring your system with companies such as NUTECH is a worthwhile, low-cost investment. Your monitoring company will dispatch a patrol officer immediately to your home during an activation.